Matilda Crane: Leading the charge for climate action in the East Midlands

Matilda Crane, the East Midlands Climate Ambassadors Regional Hub Manager, is a passionate advocate for environmental protection and community engagement. Based at the Universities for Nottingham, a partnership between the University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University, Matilda’s role is to inspire and empower individuals and organisations to take action on climate change.

Matilda’s journey to becoming the East Mindlands Climate Ambassadors Regional Hub Manager is unique. Originally from the South of England, she moved to Nottingham for her undergraduate studies and fell in love with the region’s vibrant research and innovation scene, particularly in sustainability and climate-related fields. This newfound connection to the East Midlands, combined with her upbringing in the South, gives her a unique perspective that she brings to her role.

One of Matilda’s key observations about the East Midlands is the strong emphasis on community. She notes that community energy groups and local initiatives are thriving, and there is a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere that encourages everyone to get involved in climate action. This sense of community is a driving force behind the success of the Climate Ambassadors scheme in the region.

Matilda is particularly excited about the growing interest in the scheme from various sectors, including schools, the NHS, and businesses. She sees this as a testament to the fact that climate change is an issue that affects everyone and that everyone has a role to play in addressing it.

Matilda’s personal faith is also a significant motivator for her work. She sees the beauty and complexity of the natural world as evidence of a divine creator and feels a deep responsibility to care for the planet. This perspective resonates with many people in the East Midlands and beyond, and it highlights the important role that faith can play in environmental stewardship.

Matilda’s enthusiasm for her work is infectious, and she is a shining example of how individuals can make a real difference in the fight against climate change. Her story is a reminder that we all have a part to play in creating a more sustainable future.

Call to Action

To learn more about the Climate Ambassadors scheme and how you can get involved, please visit the Climate Ambassadors website. You can also listen to Matilda’s interview on the Coffee & Geography podcast to hear more about her inspiring work in the East Midlands.

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