Bonus Resources for Nat Geo Kids ‘Everything: Sustainable Energy’

National Geographic Kids Everything: Sustainable Energy is available now! Some ideas and concepts didn't make it into the final draft of the book, or they were edited in a way to make them more accessible to a younger audience (while the original is still very much useful for the older kids!). So to celebrate the official release date of the book, I offer up some 'bonus extras' for you!

Climate Change in Sci-Fi: Featuring the Great Derelict Podcast

COP26 ended this week, and it was more blah-blah-blah from those in power. It is fitting, therefore, in the spirit of the inspiring youth, marginalised populations and their allies who made their presence felt in Glasgow, that this blog is about hopes, dreams and fantasy regarding climate change. I took part in a wonderful, geeky, but also poignant chat about climate change in Sci-Fi, and decided it was such a great discussion that I wanted to type up bits about it for the blog.