Nurturing Global Citizenship Through ‘British Values’ (Book Release: Developing Quality PSHE in Secondary Schools and Colleges)

Today, a book titled 'Developing Quality PSHE in Secondary Schools and Colleges' was released. Within this book, I contributed a chapter on 'Diversity and Discrimination' through my work with Diverse Educators. The book also covers topics such as engaging parents/carers, sex education, and media literacy. My co-writers and I went through many drafts and rewrites of our chapter, and my part in particular about global citizenship and so-called 'British Values' had to be cut down quite substantially to fit in. So, to both celebrate the release of the book and to share my thoughts and findings that didn't make it to publication, here is my full draft before all the editing and cutting took place.

Creative, sensitive and grounded in diverse perspectives: Why we need inclusive climate change education

This article was co-authored with Catherine Walker and Nerida Jolley. You can read the introduction here, and then continue with the rest of the article, for free, via the University of Manchester's website here. One of Maisy Summer’s beautiful images for the YPAC creative book How can climate change education address rather than exacerbate eco-anxiety, … Continue reading Creative, sensitive and grounded in diverse perspectives: Why we need inclusive climate change education

Eye in the Sky: Should educators jump on the drone bandwagon?

Eye in the Sky. An article that features the testing of a drone, insights into why schools should invest in one and links to drone-based resources. Featuring: @DJIGlobal, @AirMapIO, @travelwithdrone ‏