Creative, sensitive and grounded in diverse perspectives: Why we need inclusive climate change education

This article was co-authored with Catherine Walker and Nerida Jolley. You can read the introduction here, and then continue with the rest of the article, for free, via the University of Manchester's website here. One of Maisy Summer’s beautiful images for the YPAC creative book How can climate change education address rather than exacerbate eco-anxiety, … Continue reading Creative, sensitive and grounded in diverse perspectives: Why we need inclusive climate change education

Coffee & Geography: Learning from everyday conversations (GAConf22 Session)

Started as a pandemic ‘comfort project’ but growing into something so much more, Coffee and Geography was a podcast where I simply chatted to people. These chats led to exploring connections and intersections through a geographical lens, but also helped to broaden my horizons, check my own privilege, and bring back some faith in humanity. Bring a brew and come and find out what I’ve learnt, which can be useful anecdotes and aids in the classroom, from these ‘everyday’ conversations.