Creative, sensitive and grounded in diverse perspectives: Why we need inclusive climate change education

This article was co-authored with Catherine Walker and Nerida Jolley. You can read the introduction here, and then continue with the rest of the article, for free, via the University of Manchester's website here. One of Maisy Summer’s beautiful images for the YPAC creative book How can climate change education address rather than exacerbate eco-anxiety, … Continue reading Creative, sensitive and grounded in diverse perspectives: Why we need inclusive climate change education

Visualise it

Visualisation is an important tool in promoting knowledge and understanding. Presented here are a number of visualisations that educators across curricula may enjoy and find useful. Featuring: @exploratorium, @cnscenter, @worldmapper, @NatGeoMag, @gapminder

Where the wind takes you…

Wyoming's landscape is awe-inspiringly beautiful and monotonous. But is change in the wind?